02 June 2011

Overthought Ideas

I was reading an article at Fast Company about a French engineer that wants to tow icebergs from Greenland to Saudi Arabia in order to provide fresh water.

At least one commentor pointed out it would be cheaper to use a tanker and pull the water from the flow under the glacial icecap, or melt them on site using mirrors into a tanker system.

Things not pointed out is that we now have global modelling systems to see what the effects would be and no one has run this scenario. Without the model I can see reduced desalinity in the water at the proper time and place, reduction of krill habitat that feed under icebergs as they melt, reduction of resting sites for sea birds and sea mammals that use icebergs. Not to mention the carbon footprint of towing or shipping that much water.

I have a better idea for those Saudi princes and really the world near a coast line...
Use salt water through an extra line entering each house to provide clean salt water for use in bathing, swimming pools, and get this toilets!

Salt water is naturally a bit of an anti bacterial, the salt also mildly scrubs surfaces. Look at that would ya! Two things we like, clean toilets and less bacteria! Why do we need clean potable (drinkable) water to flush detrius out of our homes? Or to shower in when a salt bath works better (read how many salts are in your shower products folks!)? Many pool owners are switching to saline water since it is more environmentally friendly.

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