12 July 2013

Decorating Idea

Ebay is a wonderful place to find unusual decorations, especially for Halloween. For instance this morning while shopping for a store display a suggested purchase was an ornate old perfume bottle.

Wait, what is this mysterious glass jar? What does it contain? The adventurers pondered the consequences of touching the wizards collection of rare tinctures and potions.

The price is often what you would expect to pay at Wal-Mart, Target or Halloween shops but unlike the mass produced items de jour that everyone else is purchasing yours will seem unique. On top of that bonus is the fact that you may get an actual collectible out of the deal and of course helping to keep another person's business/hobby afloat (or maybe just help them clean out their storage space.)

15 June 2013

Sneaker net to the rescue!

I have a very bad habit of starting new projects before finishing old ones. I am not sure if it attention deficit or just a thing about finishing projects. In any case, this weekend I ran into a wee bit of a dilemma which limited my ability to start new projects, or so I thought. Just because funds are not there does not mean I will not start a project...

I used to operate a site that was for role playing games such as GURPS or D&D. It was not much of a site, but at the time I had a loose dream and started to follow it. This project was side lined for several years, oh ok so this is not a new project after all! I started the site over again after rebuilding a LAMP server on my old laptop.

The server rebuild is still being worked on as I am not able to remote into it for some settings reason. Sneaker net to the rescue! As I dove head first into the project it became quickly apparent that I had lost many skill sets, learning curve was faster this time though. Then it was the realization that the site code was mostly gone, ah well, new code will be better in any case.

Now I am on a roll, slowly creating the pages and scripts that will be needed to accomplish the tasks.