17 October 2016

CoCo SDC and Strongware Case

Recently I went down memory highway and enjoyed a few clover leaves. My first two computers were a Timex Sinclair 1000 with a 16K memory expansion, and a Color Computer 2 by Tandy (Radio Shack).

Ebay is a wonderful place to purchase older technology, buyer beware of course. Of the two Timex computers I purchased one worked perfectly, the other has a bad video output and broken Mylar keyboard. The Color Computer 2 I purchased had a bit of mouse detritus in it and very stuck together keys. A bit of cleaning and it was ready for use.

One thing I wanted was a SD card reader/writer for the CoCo. Using cassette was an option, and using DriveWire was also an option. Floppies were not considered other than for nostalgic reasons.

After a bit of research I found where to purchase the CoCo SDC,  The Zippster Zone !
A couple of emails and less than a week later I had the CoCo SDC board in hand and a tip for the Strongware CoCo SDC Case. Thank you Ed!

Another week and I had the case in hand. ( Source Strongware)

Time to demonstrate...

The long nose pliers were used to hold the screws as I set them to hold the board in place. (Magnetic screwdriver on wish list).

With the 2GB card I am using there should be enough room for every program I ever had as a teen, plus most of the Color Computer software out there! If you are into retro computing these type of card adapters are available for Apples, CoCo/Dragon, Commodores, and I think I even saw some for Texas Instruments machines.

(For more details about operating the CoCo SDC please visit this page.)