Is it 'wrong' to make items to sell that include symbols from or are known to be going to another religion?
That question formed while I was working out details on an upcoming project I chose to start. My hobby and side business involves me creating various works of art in a wide set of categories. Normally I make jewelry, which is worn publicly by my patrons, other times I do small sculpture or paintings, and I have taken to writing now and again. I am not looking for an answer to my question for myself, I already know my answer and it only applies to my own works.
This is more an informative article. Throughout history artisans have been creating works for patrons that are not from their own religious background. On occasion this has led to some interesting mistakes being made and artwork being altered after the fact. Where art and goods are concerned it would seem that one's religious views are often set aside. Further, the viewpoint can be applied from both patron and artisan/business.
The patron may want a project created and lacks the skills to do so. Solution, go out and find someone with the skills, this is where it gets interesting. Looking through the phone book, or on the web, even while walking down the street, it is rare to see a business owner openly showing their religious affiliation. Doing a targeted search looking specifically for a fellow of your own creed will produce results, but there is a draw back, it may not produce the best provider of a service. What if a person of your beliefs does not own a particular business? The obvious solution is the patron must make a small sacrifice to get what they want.
From the artisan view point, or any business owner really, the dilemma is similar. Often we open businesses in an area that we know has certain beliefs like our own. But what if I am a displaced person, running from a war or catastrophe? Suddenly I may be in an area I know nothing about, but I still need to provide for myself and family. Yet, if I start my business will those around me accept that I am not of their belief system? Will they even know? How safe is it to proceed, and where do I learn the local symbols?
Perhaps the artist is extremely skilled, sought out by everyone for the ability they alone seem to possess. This has happened many times in history. For that person it is a choice, they seem to be above the limits of religions.
What I see in the world around me are multinational businesses that sell goods made by people in all countries of the world, from all beliefs and backgrounds. Here in the United States it is even a little funny to me because I see persons that are devout to their faith and they are unknowingly supporting another faith by purchasing those goods, goods that are sometimes symbols of their religion made by another religions energy. I do not have a problem with it at all, I revel in the idea that we can be one world without borders and without hatred at any level.
It is my hope that readers of this article take away a bit of wisdom in the form of understanding we are all in this together as one human race and that variety truly is the spice of life!