22 January 2011

Misconceptions of Food Advancements

Food. In the most simple definition food is a set of nutrients and potential energy in a stored state. It is once we eat the food that it becomes the energy and life sustaining particles that we all need.

I may have an unusual advantage, and by that same advantage a larger loss, when it comes to understanding food. Food production has been part of my families heritage for generations. My grandfather and his family were dairymen, and farmers. He brought his skills with him from Europe and continued to raise dairy animals here in Southern California. The area was mostly pastures at the time, I still have photos and my memories as my proof. Since that time however the area has changed from one that contained agriculture to one that is urban/suburban sprawl. This is important because the it also represents a change from small farms spread throughout the country, to a more mass produced style of food production.

When I was growing up my parents taught me how to raise animals and crops. Not grains, which require vast fields, but small plot crops such as carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and a great many others. I ate fresh food directly out of the earth or off of the plant. Delicious, needing only a wipe on my pants or shirt to remove the surface dirt. We used natural fertilizers and if memory serves, no pesticides, unless you count the chickens and good insects. The food was always ripe when I ate it, naturally so, no chemicals used to bring the fruit to 'maturity'.

Think about that a moment. To make bananas yellow, or tomatoes red, etc. the stores have to use chemicals/hormones to ripen the fruit while it is in storage at shipping facilities. The fruit and vegetables are picked while still green, unripe, not ready to be eaten. These crops have to be picked that way because tit helps the goods to endure lengthy trips via boat,train and truck to the store bins you buy them from. This food is not complete, it is missing nutrients that would be there if it had matured on the plant.

I end the article there for now, to be continued...

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